Jeff Woods "Radio, Records & Rockstars" Book Launch- The Horseshoe Tavern, Toronto, June 9th, 2016
I love music as much as I love books. When these two loves collide, I tend to get excited. This past Thursday night, at one of Toronto’s most iconic music venues, The Horseshoe Tavern, I had the great pleasure of attending the book launch for Radio, Records, and Rockstars. The book, released almost a month ago, is a mixture of autobiography and rock star recollections, telling the personal stories of legendary musicians as well as Jeff Woods’ own story.
The welcome sign at the Horseshoe Tavern
Blessed with a deep voice so destined for radio, a love and appreciation of music and rock history, Jeff Woods is to me one of the legends amidst The Legends of Classic Rock, the nationally-syndicated weekly show he hosted and that I faithfully listened to for years before it ended last summer. He captured me immediately as a listener because he managed time after time to present his musical subjects in a way that was so personal and meaningful. He got to the heart of each musician’s story, and his guests always seemed to trust him to converse with them in a respectful, intelligent manner. I learned so much about some of my favourite artists through these broadcasts, and was always informed and entertained.
Two radio legends: John Derringer interviewing Jeff Woods
I ordered a hardcover copy in later March, and it arrived signed and dedicated a few weeks ago. As I told Jeff on Thursday night, professional responsibilities have not allowed me the pleasure of opening it yet, to which he replied that all things come in their own time. It will certainly make a delicious and satisfying summer read. I attended the book launch for a variety of reasons: I wanted to purchase a surprise signed copy for a mutual friend, I wanted to hear the “fireside chat” interview between Jeff and fellow radio legend John Derringer, I was delighted at the idea of a rock ladies’ night out with three good friends, and I also wanted to finally meet Jeff, and to thank him for his kind support of my rock fiction book release a few years back and reciprocate in kind. I had sent him a copy of my book, and he was lovely enough to post a copy of the cover on his Facebook wall, which I appreciated very much. I meant to thank him while we chatted, but the conversation was short and I forgot, so if you are reading this, Jeff, thank you for doing that a few years back.
Two authors and music lovers: yours truly with the legendary Jeff Woods
The interview with Derringer was insightful, and my favourite moments were Jeff’s David Bowie recollections, and a great little sidebar about “forbidden topics” and how to navigate interviews politely. He is a testament to the fact that hard work and respect go a long way in building and maintaining a reputation, and I hope this project brings him tremendous success.
For those of you who love music and a good tale, I sensed from the launch and radio interviews I’ve heard all week that this book will be full of great stories about music. At the centre of all, despite his phenomenal professional achievements, Jeff remains humble, honest, and passionate about music. In his own words, he is first and foremost a fan, and for that above all else, I know this is going to be a captivating read. I’ll come back in a few weeks to review it.
You can purchase your own copy of Jeff Woods’ book at: