Kathleen S. Allen has the writing bug. She ignored it until she no longer could. In her own words:
Kathleen: Once upon a time there was a little girl who had an imagination too big to be contained in her little head. She found her Muse and began to make up stories about pictures she saw in books. When she was four she learned to write. She began to write poetry and short stories and when she was eight she put together a collection of poetry she had written into a “book” and gave it away to friends and family as gifts.
At the age of fifteen she published her first poem in a national magazine and at the age of seventeen she wrote her first novel. She began to publish short stories and poetry on a regular basis. She dreamed of becoming a writer (little did she know, she already was one). The Muse smiled. Naysayers told her to do something more practical. To stop dreaming. She listened because the naysayers seemed so wise and knowledgeable and so she put her pen down vowing never to pick it up again. But, the Muse was too strong to stay silent. The Muse whispered stories to her. So, in secret, at night when everyone was asleep, she wrote her stories and her poems. No one knew she never stopped writing, she just pretended to.
Years passed and she managed to suppress the Muse but she was still there, a small tiny voice whispering in her ear. When her children begged her to write down the stories she told to them at bedtime she decided to listen to the Muse once more.
And published her first novel.
Then, her second.
A third. Fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, twelfth. Three more are on their way. More short stories, flash fiction, essays, blogs, guest posts, interviews. She writes every day. The Muse hoped that her voice would no longer be silenced.
The little girl with the imagination too big to be contained in her little head now believes.
The stories she tells are ones that have to be told.
To inform. To entertain. To enjoy. To ponder over.
She continues to write.
Because she is a writer.
And that’s what writers do.
The Muse’s voice is loud and clear.
And will not be silenced.
Ever again.
Lore of Fei: Amazon | Muse It Up Publishgin
Watch the trailer for Lore of Fei, a Young Adult faerie fantasy novel, soon to be followed by its sequel War of Fei. Visit the Kathleen’s website and Goodreads profile for more information. Follow her on Twitter or Facebook.