Bluebonnets, Bagpipes and Books is an entertaining and informative podcast that can be found on Stitcher Radio, starring Mark Rice, author of the fantastic heavy metal fiction book Metallic Dreams, and The Book Connection’s digital director Deena Harrison Schoenfeldt. Every week, Mark and Deena bring their listeners interesting interviews with authors and other knowledgeable guests from the publishing industry. There are always helpful bits of advice and discussions of relevance to authors and readers alike. This weekend, I was their guest: we talked about the links between music and literature, including an important discussion about copyright laws involving song lyrics in books. We also spoke about the need for proper research for authors wanting to publish historical fiction. It was a musical and book geekfest for Mark and I, as we share a common love of all things rock and are both trying to make rock or music fiction a viable and recognisable commercial genre.